Apostle Gloria McDuffey
Apostle Gloria McDuffey is the Founder and Senior Pastor of A Place of Deliverance Church and Training Center now located in Henderson, North Carolina. Apostle McDuffey has been submitted to the leadership of Apostle Blanche “Dottie” Anderson of International House of Prayer, Philadelphia, PA for more than 30 years. Apostle Gloria and APOD are also under the spiritual covering of Apostle John Tetsola of Ecclesia Word International Ministries, Bronx NY. She is also a mother to one daughter and grandmother to one grandson.
Apostle McDuffey continues to minister in states around the country and has had the privilege to preach the Gospel in Israel. She has been used by God to minister so that souls are saved, healed, and delivered. Her passion is to preach the gospel and strengthen the Body of Christ by teaching and training men, women, boys, and girls to see themselves the way God sees them.
Apostle McDuffey desires that individuals become truly transformed (Romans 12:1-2), set free by the authority of God’s Word and become mature Christians in the Kingdom of God. As a result, she has established Transformation Apostolic Ministry as another vehicle for ministering to the Body of Christ.

Pastor Gloria Sanders
Pastor Gloria Sanders is a native of Raleigh, North Carolina. She is the Pastor of A Place of Deliverance (APOD) Church and Training Center in Henderson, NC under the leadership of the Sr. Pastor and Founder, Apostle Gloria McDuffey. She joined APOD in 2002 and has been appointed to several positions during her tenure. They include the media ministry, Praise and Worship Leader and Apostolic Team Member and Prayer Warrior.
Pastor Sanders has been graced to serve in the Five-fold-Ministry Gift of Evangelist for which she was licensed and ordained in October 2005 and the Five-fold Ministry Gift of Pastor for which she was licensed and ordained in March 2010.
Pastor Sanders is a graduate of Transformation Ministry Bible School and also the School of Apostles. She considers the greatest privilege of being adopted into the royal, priestly family line (the tribe of Judah) and being a daughter of the ministry birthed by Apostle Gloria McDuffey.
She strongly proclaims the fact that “Deliverance is of the Lord” and says, “I am A Place of Deliverance”.